Friday, May 14, 2010

K-ON!! - Episode 6

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Pretty much, nothing happened in the episode.
It mainly centered on the rainy season and how the girls coped up with it.

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It's the rainy season so the whole week was really pouring rain. And the rain is making it hard for Yui-chan to go to school especially when she bringing Gitah. She is so worried that Gitah would get wet so she would rather wet herself just to keep Gitah safe and sound. As a result, she came to school drenched in water!

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Mugi helped her in drying herself by letter Yui borrow her towel. Mugi help her dried her hair afterwards, they she gave her a hot treatment to ease her feeling. Since Yui is so wet, they need to change her clothes so that she will not catch colds. Yui ended up wearing Sawa-chan's maid costume at class. Well, she didn't want to take it off even though she is already scolded by Sawa-chan. Good thing, Honoka was able to borrow PE Uniform from another section.

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The main focus of this episode is how Yui loved Gitah so much. She sleeps with it and treats it as his boyfriend. I think her concept of Gitah is like a person because she talks to her normally. The next day, it is still raining hard and Yui covered her with plastic to prevent it from being wet. It seems that the string players of the band, especially Azu-nyan have a lot of convenient items bought over the internet so that she can take care of her guitar.

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Well, Mio and Yui ended up leaving their instruments at school so that they don't have to worry about it being wet. Yui even gave Mio's bass a name, Elizabeth before leaving her very own Gitah behind. At night, Yui cannot sleep just like a wife being left behind by her husband. In the midst of the rain, she wants to run to school to get Gitah but good thing, Ui was able to stop her.

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The next day, Yui's first agenda is to be with Gitah. Her class has started and yet she embraces Gitah that Sawa-chan's attention is already caught. After class, Mio rushed for the music room to check her Elizabeth and is relieved to see that the bass is just doing fine.

1 comment:

  1. Official revelations of the Yui <3 Azu-nyan <3 Gitah triangle was the best part though /o/
