Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kuroshitsuji 2 - Episode 6 (Other Details)

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I just can't get enough of Kuroshitsuji that I have to create two separate posts just for this. This is just how I love Kuroshitsuji.
(I am supposed to finish The Alchemyst tonight so that I can continue reading on the 2nd book, but Sebby goes first)

So this post will highlight other things featured in Episode 6. My post here focuses more on the revelatory parts of the episode. But of course, episode 6 is also notable in terms of other things presented for our pleasure, that's why this 2nd post was created.

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1. The triplets are really something right? To think that somehow they can be at par with Sebastian, a demon is really something. Though Sebby proved to be better than them, but still, the triplets are the exact opposite of Bard, Meirin and Finny.

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Sebastian: Young Master back then was just like a doll...
Ciel: Did you say something?
Sebastian: It would be much easier to carry you if you could be in a trunk or the like.  
Ciel: Stop joking!
Sebastian: My apologies
2. Sebastian recounts how easy it is to carry Ciel when he was inside the trunk, than right now. Of course Ciel doesn't remember his luggage experience.

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Alois: Sebastian is awesome! Could he be better than you, Claude? It would be far more awesome if you could make him kneel on the ground. Can you, Claude?
3. Alois' thinking that Sebby is COOLER (which he is, HAHAHAHA) than Claude is a really a challenge that he has to fulfill.

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Sebastian: Please do not worry. One of my few friends is there tonight.
4. Hannah playing the armonica and controlled guests in the room. Good thing, Agni is there so he saved Meirin, Bard, Finny and of course Soma from being hypnotized. Agni used his God's hand to mess Meirin, Bard and Finny's hearing ability. Ran Mao and Lao are also safe after stuffing their ears with cork covers. But my question is, why does Hannah need to lick her fingers to play the armonica? Is that required????? BTW, I love Hannah's fress.

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5. Sebby's gymnastic moves. Determined to cover Ciel's ear and to protect him from the triplets, Sebastian was able to perform gymnastic moves. Sugoi, Sebastian ♥

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6. Everyone is fighting to stop the hypnotized guests to attack them. Everyone had their chance to shine!

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7. Sebastian countering Hannah's melody is SO AMAZING!!!! And Sebastian is indeed an irony. This is highlighted by Agni, who shed tears from Sebastian's music:
Sebastian's performance is overlapping that woman's, changing the nature of the sound. Once ominous and shady, the sound wave is now gentle and grace. This reflects the no less immaculate soul of the performer! Fabulous! You're a truly fabulous man, Sebastian! 

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8. Hannah's armonica got destroyed after meddling by Sebastian. Poor Hannah, having another accident. ;_; But Sebby's a gentleman, thanking Hannah for letter him play good music. 

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9. Alois' costume IS SO CUTEEEEEEE! 

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10. Sebastian asking for permission to talk with Claude, is a calm of saying that what they left off will be finished. So here is what talking with Claude means:
Alois: Ten minutes. Get it done in 10 minutes. If you don't I will punish you.
Claude: Yes, your highness.
Ciel: Get it done quickly, understood?
Sebastian: Yes, my Lord.

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11. ME WANT MORE OF SEBBY AND CLAUDE FIGHT! But it was a good preview of the upcoming fights to come. And I love it that Sebby is able to escape from Claude's grasp every time he is cornered. HAHAHAHAHA. Go Sebby! ♥

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12. The curry is not enough to make Ciel remember the past. Awww. Nice try, though for Soma.

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13. Too bad, Claude wasn't punished by Alois. Hahahaha. I am curious as to what might happen for Claude's punishment.

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14. There is something weird in Alois' and Claude's relationship. It is not as attached as Ciel and Sebastian. When Claude made it clear that he was not ordered to kill Sebastian, Alois was kinda taken a back by Claude's looks. I wonder why is that.

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15. Claude flipping his hair, is SO LOVELY. HAHAHA. Love iitttttttt!

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16. Ciel dancing on the dance floor is something new. If I remember in Season 1, he didn't want to dance and was forced by Sebastian to learn. So I guess, the learning of Season 1 didn't disappear, just the memories.

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17. Alois is playing the love game right now. Dancing with Elizabeth to provoke Ciel. Alois, you're indeed something. HAHAHAHAHA.


  1. I love reading your posts about Kuro. I look forward to them almost as much as the episodes themselves! After an episode I'm usually not sure what to think and your blog is a great way to sort out my thoughts etc. Thank you!

  2. @Tally

    Thanks so much for following :) Hmm, look forward for more Kuroshitsuji posts. I will definitely do this until the very end ♥

    Read part1 of my post for Kuroshitsuji ep6 too :)

  3. i feel that there's something odd with this episode's story. i mean, sebastian had promise not to deceive ciel in the first season right? if sebastian tried to ensure ciel that the trancy household is their target of revenge, wouldn't that make him a liar? i don't think it matches sebastian's demon policy,,

  4. @Resi
    I guess everything is based on the fact that Sebby wants Ciel to have his second revenge.

  5. i like alois costume. and hannahs. the rest i already said in my comment on the first post anout ep6

  6. @Ressi

    Alois has really good costume. hahahahhaa :) Thanks for the comment and look forward to episode 7 which will be SOOOON.
