Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist - Episode 15

This could be Ed's dream image of himself; Tall, Handsome and Cute.

With the start of FMA new arc, this post will mainly dwell with introductions of new characters and concepts that were introduced.

Even though we are now starting a new story, the crack of FMA still continues just like before. This is really a funny episode and all the funny moments are credited to Ed, Al and Ling Yao. They met in a really weird situation which resulted to a fight scene which destroyed the city.

Anyway, lets us now meet the new characters for this arc:

May Chang
~May Chang wants to go with Scar and Yoki to Central, and she’s trying to go meet Ed because of what she heard about immortality and alchemy~

Shao May
~May Chang's friend who accompanied her on her journey~

Ling Yao
~The son of the emperor of Xing who seeks the power of the Philosopher's stone for immortality ~

Ran Fan
~One of Ling Yao's bodyguard~

~One of Ling Yao's bodyguard~


It is also in this episode that the idea of Eastern Alchemy or alkahestry. It from the land of Xing, a technique comprised of understanding and utilizing the veins of the dragon, power that runs through the earth. It is mainly used for medical purposes just like what May Chang did to the wound of Scar.
The land of Xing has a very weird political system. According to Ling Yao, Xing is composed of more than 50 ethnic clans. The Xing emperor has fathered a child from each of the 50 ethnic clans that make up the country of Xing, and there are currently 24 princes and 19 princesses. Ling is twelfth in line, and because the emperor’s health is poor and there’s a bit of a succession fight going on, Ling has decided to go after immortality to curry favor. With Ed, Al and Winry now going to Central, Ling decides to tag along much to Ed's dismay.

Now that I already gave the new elements this new arc holds, here are my favorite scenes/parts of the episode:
Riza, Roy and Havoc in their casual clothes!
~Riza looks so beautiful with her hair down and I got to say, I love Roy's outfit.~

Barry the Chopper returns to the scene
~He faced Riza trying to scare her but he is no much to Riza's superior pistol skills. He went head over heels after seeing Riza beat him.~

Ed telling Winry about his broken automail
~This is will be one of the series' classic crack. Ed would always be afraid to tell Winry to repair his automail. ~

Al doing alchemy with using any transmutation circle
~After Al remembered his memories in the gate, he can now use alchemy without using any circle. Because of this, Ed realized that his dignity as the older brother decreases. Hahahahaahahah! ~

This is Giolio Comanche, the Silver Alchemist
~Isn't he a look-a-like of Mosquito from Soul Eater? Well, it's not impossible since Bones animated both Soul Eater and FMA ~

Next episode would be the return of the homonculus on the scene as Ed, Al and Winry return to Central to finally get to know about what happened to Hughes.

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